Section 4.7:
Atmospheric Stability:
The Critical Weathermaker

Learning Objective

Explain the relationship between environmental lapse rate and stability.

Section Content

Why do clouds vary so much in size and shape, and why does the resulting precipitation vary so widely? The answer is closely tied to the stability of the air. Recall that when a parcel of air is forced to rise, its temperature will decrease because of expansion (adiabatic cooling). By comparing the parcel’s temperature to that of the surrounding air, we can determine its stability. If the parcel is cooler than the surrounding environment, it will be more dense and, if allowed to do so, it will sink to its original position. Air of this type, called stable air, resists vertical movement.

If, however, our imaginary rising parcel is warmer and hence less dense than the surrounding air, it will continue to rise until it reaches an altitude where its temperature equals that of its surroundings. This type of air is classified as unstable air. Unstable air is like a hot-air balloon: It will rise as long as the air in the balloon is sufficiently warmer and less dense than the surrounding air (Figure 4.22).

Figure 4.22
Hot air rises

As long as air is warmer than its surroundings, it will rise. Hot-air balloons rise up through the atmosphere for this reason.

Mini-Lecture Video - The Critical Weathermaker: Atmospheric Stability (Click to watch the video)

Types of Stability

The stability of the atmosphere is determined by regularly measuring the air temperature at various heights. This measure, called the environmental lapse rate (ELR), should not be confused with adiabatic temperature changes. The environmental lapse rate is rate of change in the actual temperature of the atmosphere with height, as determined from observations made by radiosondes and aircraft. (Recall that a radiosonde is an instrument package that is attached to a balloon and transmits data by radio as it ascends though the atmosphere.) Adiabatic temperature changes, by contrast, are the changes in temperature due to pressure changes that a parcel of air experiences as it moves vertically through the atmosphere.

Figure 4.23 illustrates how the stability of the atmosphere is determined. Notice that the temperature of the environment at 1000 meters above the surface is 5°C cooler than the air at the surface, whereas the environment at 2000 meters is 10°C cooler, and so forth. Thus, the prevailing environmental lapse rate is 5°C per 1000 meters. The air at the surface appears to be less dense than the air at 1000 meters because it is 5°C warmer. However, if the surface air were forced to rise to 1000 meters, it would expand and cool at the dry adiabatic rate of 10°C per 1000 meters. Therefore, on reaching 1000 meters, the rising parcel would have experienced a drop in temperature from 25°C to 15°C. The temperature of the environment at 1000 meters, on the other hand, is 20°C. Because the rising air would be 5°C cooler than its environment, it would be denser and, if allowed to do so, would sink to its original position. Thus, the air near the surface, depicted in Figure 4.23, will not rise unless forced to do so, and is referred to as stable.

Figure 4.23
How the stability of the air is determined

When an unsaturated parcel of air is lifted, it expands and cools at the dry adiabatic rate of 10°C per 1000 meters. In this example, the temperature of the rising parcel of air is lower than that of the surrounding environment; therefore, it will be heavier and, if allowed to do so, will sink to its original position.

We will now look at three fundamental conditions of the atmosphere: absolute stability, absolute instability, and conditional instability.

Absolute Stability

Stated quantitatively, absolute stability prevails when the environmental lapse rate is less than the wet adiabatic rate. Figure 4.24 depicts this situation by using an environmental lapse rate of 5°C per 1000 meters (and a wet adiabatic rate of 6°C per 1000 meters). Note that at 1000 meters, the temperature of the rising parcel is 5°C cooler than its environment, which makes it denser. Even if this stable air were forced above the lifting condensation level, it would remain cooler and denser than its environment and would have a tendency to return to the surface.

Figure 4.24
Atmospheric conditions that result in absolute stability

Absolute stability prevails when the environmental lapse rate is less than the wet adiabatic rate.
A. The rising parcel of air is always cooler and heavier than the surrounding air, producing stability.
B. Graphical representation of the conditions shown in part A.

Tutorial Video - Atmospheric Stability (Click to watch the video)

Despite its tendency to remain near Earth’s surface, stable air can be forced aloft, most commonly by frontal lifting. If stable air is forced above the lifting condensation level, flat widespread clouds will be generated. Precipitation, if any, will be light to moderate, depending on the moisture content of the air. Dreary, overcast days with periodic light rain throughout the day are likely when stable air is forced to rise.

Absolute Instability

At the other extreme, a layer of air is said to exhibit absolute instability when the environmental lapse rate is greater than the dry adiabatic rate. As shown in Figure 4.25, the ascending parcel of air is always warmer and less dense than its environment and will continue to rise because of its own buoyancy. Absolute instability occurs most often during the warmest months and on clear days, when solar heating is intense. Under these conditions, the lowermost layer of the atmosphere is heated to a much higher temperature than the air aloft. This results in a steep environmental lapse rate—in other words, environment temperature rapidly decreases with height—and an unstable atmosphere. Convective lifting of the air near Earth’s surface generates towering clouds and the potential for midafternoon thunderstorms that tend to dissipate after sunset.

Figure 4.25
Atmospheric conditions that result in absolute instability

A. Absolute instability can develop when solar heating causes the lowermost layer of the atmosphere to be warmed to a much higher temperature than the air aloft. The result is a steep environmental lapse rate that renders the atmosphere unstable.
B. Graphical representation of the conditions shown in part A.

Conditional Instability

A common type of atmospheric instability is called conditional instability. This situation prevails when moist air has an environmental lapse rate between the dry and wet adiabatic rates (between about 5° and 10°C per 1000 meters). Simply stated, the atmosphere is said to be conditionally unstable when it is stable with respect to an unsaturated parcel of air but unstable with respect to a saturated parcel of air.

Notice in Figure 4.26 that the rising parcel of air is cooler than the surrounding air for about 2500 meters. However, because of the release of latent heat that occurs above the lifting condensation level, the parcel eventually becomes warmer than the surrounding air. From this point along its ascent, the parcel will continue to rise without an external force. Keep in mind that conditionally unstable air must be forced upward until it reaches the level where it becomes unstable and rises on its own. The altitude at which air rises because of its own buoyancy is called the level of free convection (LFC).

Figure 4.26
Atmospheric conditions that result in conditional instability

Conditional instability may result when warm air is forced to rise along a frontal boundary. Note that the environmental lapse rate of 9°C per 1000 meters lies between the dry and wet adiabatic rates.
A. The parcel of air is cooler than the surrounding air up to nearly 2500 meters, where its tendency is to sink toward the surface (stable). Above this level, however, the parcel is warmer than its environment and will rise because of its own buoyancy (unstable). Thus, when conditionally unstable air is forced to rise, the result can be towering cumulus clouds.
B. Graphical representation of the conditions shown in part A.

Conditional instability is usually a summertime phenomenon associated with warm, humid air. When conditionally unstable air is lifted above the lifting condensation level, the result is usually towering thunderstorms. However, clouds do not continue to grow indefinitely (Figure 4.27). The massive clouds associated with thunderstorms, for example, can rise for several thousand meters, but eventually the rising parcels of air within them reach the base of stratosphere (tropopause). Recall from Chapter 1 that the stratosphere is a temperature inversion—a layer of air in which the temperature increases with altitude. When these rising parcels reach the stratosphere, they are cooler than the surrounding environment and lose their buoyancy. Thus, this temperature inversion inhibits further vertical movement and causes the cloud tops to flatten (Figure 4.27).

Figure 4.27
Temperature inversions aloft tend to inhibit cloud growth

In this example, the stratosphere forms a warm inversion layer (caused by solar heating of ozone) and therefore serves as a lid to stop the growth of towering clouds.

The level where the rising parcel becomes colder than the environment is called the equilibrium level (EL) and is illustrated on a simplified Stuve diagram in Box 4.3. In strong thunderstorms, part of the cloud may overshoot the equilibrium level because of the strength of the updraft. The result is a dome-shaped structure that protrudes above an otherwise flat cloud top (see Figure 4.27).

Box 4.3

Exploring Temperatures on a Stuve Diagram

Meteorologists display and analyze upper-air data collected by radiosondes, termed soundings, on graphs called thermodynamic diagrams. These graphs provide a vertical profile of the temperature and other data up through the atmosphere for a particular time and location. Figure 4.C shows one type of thermodynamic diagram, called a Stuve diagram. On the simplified Stuve diagram in Figure 4.C, the horizontal blue lines represent pressure levels in millibars (mb) along the left, while the vertical blue lines indicate temperature in Celsius.

Figure 4.C

Simplified Stuve diagram showing pressure and temperature sounding.

The sounding shown in this Stuve diagram provides actual air temperatures (solid red line) recorded by a radiosonde carried aloft. The yellow line represents the temperature of a rising parcel of air. Notice that at about the 800-millibar level, the yellow line intersects the lifting condensation level—the height at which condensation and cloud formation begin—marked on the diagram as LCL. Above the LCL, the yellow line changes direction because the rising parcel is cooling at the lower wet adiabatic rate for saturated air. At about the 700-millibar level, the yellow curve intersects the environmental temperature curve shown by the red line. Therefore, above the 700-millibar level, the rising air is now warmer (less dense) than the temperature of the surrounding air (environment), causing it to become unstable and rise because of its own buoyancy. This level is called the level of free convection (LFC).

Section Glossary

Section Summary

Section Study Questions

Try to answer the following questions on your own, then click the question to see the correct answer.

How does stable air differ from unstable air?

Stable air resists vertical displacement, whereas unstable air reinforces vertical motion.

How is the stability of air determined?

The stability of the air is determined by its environmental lapse rate and its humidity. When the lapse rate is less than the wet adiabatic rate, absolute stability prevails. When the lapse rate is greater than the dry adiabatic rate, absolute instability prevails. Conditional instability exists when moist air has a lapse rate between the dry and the wet adiabatic rates.

Describe conditional instability.

Conditional instability occurs when the atmosphere is stable with respect to an unsaturated parcel of air but unstable with respect to a saturated parcel of air.