Section 4.6:
Processes That Lift Air

Learning Objective

Identify four mechanisms that cause air to rise.

Section Content

Although air tends to resist vertical movement (air near the surface “wants” to stay near the surface, a condition discussed in section 4.7), there are several mechanisms that cause air to rise and trigger the formation of clouds. These mechanisms include orographic lifting, frontal lifting, convergence, and localized convective lifting.

Mini-Lecture Video - Processes That Lift Air (Click to watch the video)

Orographic Lifting

Orographic lifting occurs when elevated terrain, such as mountains, act as barriers to the horizontal flow of air (Figure 4.17). As air ascends a mountain slope, adiabatic cooling often generates clouds and copious precipitation. In fact, many of the rainiest places in the world are located on windward mountain slopes (Box 4.2).

Figure 4.17
Orographic lifting and precipitation

A. Orographic lifting leads to precipitation on windward slopes of a topographic barrier, such as a mountain.
B. By the time air reaches the leeward side of the mountains, much of the moisture has been lost. The Great Basin desert is a rain shadow desert that covers nearly all of Nevada and portions of adjacent states.

Box 4.2

Precipitation Records and Mountainous Terrain

Many of the rainiest places in the world are located on windward mountain slopes. Typically, these areas are rainy because mountains act as barriers to Earth’s natural circulation. The prevailing winds are forced to ascend the sloping terrain, thereby generating clouds and often abundant precipitation. Mount Waialeale, Hawaii, for example, records the highest average annual rainfall in the world, some 1234 centimeters (486 inches). The station is located on the windward (northeastern) coast of the island of Kauai, at an elevation of 1569 meters (5148 feet). By contrast, only 31 kilometers (19 miles) away lies sunny Barking Sands, with annual precipitation averaging less than 50 centimeters (20 inches).

The largest recorded rainfall for a 12-month period occurred at Cherrapunji, India, where an astounding 2647 centimeters (1042 inches), over 86 feet, fell from August 1860 through July 1861. Most of this rainfall occurred in July. By comparison, 10 times more rain fell in a month at Cherrapunji, India, than falls in Chicago in an average year. Cherrapunji’s location just north of the Bay of Bengal and its elevation of 1293 meters (4309 feet) makes it an ideal location to receive the full effect of India’s wet summer monsoons.

Because mountains receive abundant precipitation, they are typically very important sources of water, especially for many dry locations in the western United States. The snow pack that accumulates high in the mountains during the winter is a major source of water for the summer season, when precipitation is light and demand for water is great (Figure 4.B). The record for greatest annual snowfall in the United States goes to the Mount Baker ski area north of Seattle, Washington, where 2896 centimeters (1140 inches) of snow fell during the winter of 1998–1999.

Figure 4.B

This heavy snowpack is at Gotthard Pass in the Swiss Alps.

By the time air reaches the leeward side of a mountain, much of its moisture has been lost. If the air descends, it warms adiabatically, making condensation and precipitation even less likely. As shown in Figure 4.17, the result can be a rain shadow desert (look ahead to Box 4.4. The Great Basin Desert of the western United States lies only a few hundred kilometers from the Pacific Ocean, but it is effectively cut off from the ocean’s moisture by the imposing Sierra Nevada (Figure 4.17). The Gobi Desert of Mongolia, the Takla Makan of China, and the Patagonia Desert of Argentina are other examples of rain shadow deserts located on the leeward sides of large mountain systems.

Frontal Lifting

If orographic lifting were the only mechanism that forced air aloft, the relatively flat central portion of North America would be an expansive desert rather than the area known as “the nation’s breadbasket.” Fortunately, this is not the case.

In central North America, warm and cold air masses often collide, producing boundaries called fronts. Rather than mixing, the cooler, denser air mass acts as a barrier over which the warmer, less dense air mass rises. This process, called frontal lifting, also referred to as frontal wedging, is illustrated in Figure 4.18.

Figure 4.18
Frontal lifting

Colder, denser air acts as a barrier over which warmer, less dense air rises.

It should be noted that weather-producing fronts are associated with storm systems called midlatitude cyclones. Because these storms are responsible for producing a high percentage of the precipitation in the middle latitudes, we will examine them in detail in Chapter 9.


When the wind pattern near Earth’s surface is such that more air is entering an area than is leaving—a phenomenon called convergence—lifting occurs (Figure 4.19). Convergence as a mechanism of lifting is most often associated with large centers of low pressure, mainly midlatitude cyclones and hurricanes. The inward flow of air at the surface of these systems is balanced by rising air, cloud formation, and usually precipitation.

Figure 4.19
Convergence at the surface causes air to rise

When the wind pattern near Earth’s surface is such that more air is entering an area than is leaving—a phenomenon called convergence—lifting occurs.

Convergence can also occur when an obstacle slows or restricts horizontal airflow (wind). For example, when air moves from a relatively smooth surface, such as the ocean, onto an irregular landscape, increased friction reduces its speed. The result is a pileup of air (convergence). When air converges, there is an upward flow of air molecules rather than a simple squeezing together of molecules (as happens when people enter a crowded building).

The Florida peninsula provides an excellent example of the influence of convergence in cloud development and precipitation. On warm days, air flows from the ocean toward land along both coasts of Florida. This leads to a pileup of air along the coasts and general convergence over the peninsula. This pattern of convergence and uplift is aided by intense solar heating of the land. As a result, Florida’s peninsula experiences the greatest frequency of midafternoon thunderstorms in the United States (Figure 4.20).

Figure 4.20
Convergence over the Florida peninsula

When surface air converges, the column of air increases in height to allow for the decreased area it occupies. Florida provides a good example. On warm days, airflow from the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico onto the Florida peninsula generates many midafternoon thunderstorms.

Tutorial Video - Frontal Wedging and Convergence (Click to watch the video)

Localized Convective Lifting

On warm summer days, unequal heating of Earth’s surface may cause pockets of air to be warmed more than the surrounding air (Figure 4.21). For instance, air above a plowed field will be warmed more than the air above adjacent fields of crops. Consequently, the parcel of air above the field, which is warmer (less dense) than the surrounding air, will be buoyed upward. These rising parcels of warmer air are called thermals. Birds such as hawks and eagles use thermals to carry them to great heights, where they can identify unsuspecting prey. Humans have learned to employ these rising parcels to use hang gliders as a way to “fly.”

Figure 4.21
Localized convective lifting

Unequal heating of Earth’s surface causes pockets of air to be warmed more than the surrounding air. These buoyant parcels of hot air rise, producing thermals, and if they reach the lifting condensation level, clouds form.

The phenomenon that produces rising thermals is called localized convective lifting, or simply convective lifting. When these warm parcels of air rise above the lifting condensation level, clouds form and on occasion produce midafternoon rain showers. The height of clouds produced in this fashion is somewhat limited, because the buoyancy caused solely by unequal surface heating is confined to, at most, the first few kilometers of the atmosphere. Also, the accompanying rains, although occasionally heavy, are of short duration and widely scattered.

Section Glossary

Section Summary

Section Study Questions

Try to answer the following questions on your own, then click the question to see the correct answer.

What is meant by orographic lifting?

Orographic lifting occurs when elevated terrain, such as mountains, act as a barrier to the horizontal movement of air. As air ascends the windward slopes of the mountains, cloud formation and precipitation remove much of the water vapor.

How does frontal lifting cause air to rise?

Frontal wedging (lifting) occurs when relatively warm (light) air rises over cooler (dense) air. The cooler air acts as a barrier over which the warm air is wedged aloft.

Define convergence. Identify two weather systems associated with convergence in the lower atmosphere.

When the wind pattern near Earth’s surface is such that more air is entering an area than is leaving—a phenomenon called convergence—lifting occurs. Convergence as a mechanism of lifting is most often associated with large centers of low pressure, mainly midlatitude cyclones and hurricanes. Convergence can also occur when an obstacle slows or restricts horizontal airflow (wind), such as when air moves from a relatively smooth surface, such as the ocean, onto an irregular landscape. Increased friction will reduce its speed, resulting in a pile-up of air.

Describe convective lifting.

Localized convective lifting occurs because of unequal heating of Earth’s surface. This causes warm pockets of air to form, which are less dense than the surrounding air, making them buoyant and causing them to rise.