Appendix G:
Climate Data

Table G.1 includes data for 51 stations around the world that represent many different climate types. Temperatures are given in degrees Celsius and precipitation in millimeters. Names and locations are given in Table G.2, along with the elevation (in meters) of each station and its Köppen classification. This format was used so that you can use the data in exercises to reinforce your understanding of climate controls and climate classification.

Table G.1
Selected Climate Data for the World (Temperature °F/Precipitation mm)

Table G.2
Locations and Climate Classifications for Table G.1

Use Figure 15.2  to determine the proper Köppen classification. The flowchart in Figure G.1 will help guide you through the classification process. Once you have classified a station, determine a likely location, based on factors such as mean annual temperature, annual temperature range, total precipitation, and seasonal precipitation distribution. Your location need not be a specific city; it could be a description of the station’s setting, such as “middle-latitude continental” or “subtropical with a strong monsoon influence.” It would also be a good idea to list the reasons for your selection. You may check your answer by examining the list of stations in Table G.2.

Figure G.1
Classifying Climates Using Figure 15.2

If you simply wish to examine the data for a specific place or data for a specific climate type, consult the list in Table G.2.